Friday, March 12, 2004

In today’s world, if we want to see a friend, we just have to take a taxi or rend a visit, if this friend is distant; we tend to get a flight, as time allows, visiting them.
However, long time ago, as some might say, the Jurassic time, we did not had these opportunities.
My point is in the following story.
I managed to keep some very close friends. As we know, it is easy to make friends, but it is hard to maintain a good ones. So a few, I consider remarkable. Moreover, I consider my self-lucky for that.
We know each other for years; not in a way that we see each other once a week or once a month, but with the entire hectic schedule we had, we managed to see each other once a day and for most at least more than once a week. We shared good and bad times. Easy and difficult situations. We made memories to last. We made our self a group. Other approached us to be part of it. Some stayed, some left. New acquaintances developed. Professional or romantic. Our friendship was the story of the town. Years passed by. We stayed friends. We grow older. Although we had our differences, we remained friends.
But a situation, more or less unexpected made us to move apart. Nevertheless, we remained friends.
We are not in the Jurassic era anymore, and we have the opportunity to take the flight and visit each other, but this time, it is time that stops us to take this flight. Although from a distance, we miss each other. We miss the long chats, observations; comments that made us to laugh so load that we lost breath.
The everyday, coffee break we had, under the sun, conversing on the topic that no one can imagine, how a bread is good for our health, how come there is no active life after 3 am in town.
Any way, to much was fun, and now to much is missing. What is next, is to much to ask!