Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine’s and its circumstances: one of many

The story goes, as I was going home from grocery shopping, on the bus, a delightful event unfolded, I must say, it was like what you usually read in a romantic novel.
A lady comes on board and walks to the back end of the bus, where I was seating, and at first seats across me. She had a bouquet of delicate flower that she was carefully handling; it is not surprising, given that its Saint Valentine’ day and so most ladies are carrying gifts of many sort and flowers. However, something special was about to happen, as if a chain of event was revealing. As this lady was meticulously changing seats, suddenly head of a white Lilly flower from her bouquet gets detached from its stem and fells on the floor. To my surprise and her dismay, we glanced at each other, as it’s an unfortunate event. At the same time, I noticed that another girl, seating also across me, was glimpsing at the beautiful Lily that is now lying on the floor. For an instance, our gaze crossed. She was tall, blond, had a nose ring, and was talking on the phone. That was when I came to think that, would it be crazy for me to pick up this Lilly, so elegantly severed from the rest of the stem, and give it to her. I felt she liked to have it. After all it is valentine. Then I was thinking, when I pick up the Lilly to give it to her what should I say, that i noticed from your gaze that you want to have it. I thought, maybe I should say that it is only not so crazy if an elegant men “referring to myself” pick up this flower and give it to you, that you would accept it; or should I say that it is only natural for me to pick up this Lilly and give it to you given that I picked on your gaze. It was at that moment that our second gazes crossed and then back at the flower again staring at the Lilly. I noticed that her conversation on her cell phone has not diverted at the same time. Again, it was at that time that I was thinking, how could I give her this flower that I feel she is found of, without making a scene or making myself ridicule. I must say, I did not look ridicule, wearing a tie and all that [to much self-confidence I guess], but the act of picking-up the Lilly from the bus floor and giving it to her, may look beyond ridicule, not knowing her and all that. Then I asked myself, what if I am reading too much into her gaze? that suddenly I took the decision and did it. She was trilled and thanked me. The most interesting part was that when I got off the bus, roughly minutes after, and looked back at her, she waved hand at me to thank me again for the gesture, and I noticed that she was still on the phone, and I was regretting that why I did took this long to do that or didn’t initiate a conversions. Although I must say that she was on the phone for entire time that this event happened…what would have happened if she was not on the phone? I guess I will wonder about this for times to come; however, I notices that only an act is needed to make someone happy or … can complete the rest of it.    


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