Saturday, December 18, 2004

Feeling of a conversation!
I had a short chat with an acquaintance. Our minimal conversation somehow reached to the point that I had to ask how are kids, in a sense that how are the people we hang out with. He took it in a different way, as if I asked him how his kids are, he is relatively old, I have never asked, but I assume around late 30’s. His response was touching, moving.
He said, I have no kids, I am not married. It was at that point that my eyes filed with tears. I did not want him to feel how I felt, so I had to direct his attention to a different corner.
After a short while, our conversation ended and so I was back at my table with other friends. And so was when I wrote this piece.
It is hard to feel how another person is feeling lonely and that you can not do much for him. I do not mean in a sense that he is not surrounded by friends, but rather a meaningful relationship with a charming person, and if time, a family with kids. It is then that a man, a traditional man, feels completed.


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