Sunday, November 27, 2005

2 comparisons: What is stressful!

1- It is a case of a man, losing his hair every day for more than 25 years now, and the other case, women suddenly going under breast cancer and has to go under excision of the breast. It is important to know that beauty if equally important in both genders.

2- A guy is interested in a girl. The girl is currently dating another guy, but she gives signals to the first guy. The first guy is not sure if the relationship between the second guy and the girl is over or not, so he takes his time. In the mean time, he is getting more emotional. The second case is the case of a guy wearing a ring on his right hand, in some culture it signify being engaged. There is a girl interested in the guy, but she is not sure, if the ring is for real or is simply has no signification.


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